Fabio Chiusi per http://chiusinellarete.blogautore.repubblica.it/ Fa una certa impressione leggere l’accorato grido d’allarme sulla fine dell’utopia internettiana lanciato da Jennifer Granick al recente Black Hat 2015 e, nelle stesse ore, gli sviluppi dell’hack del mese scorso al sito di “incontri discre…
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USMessageBoard.com was founded in 2003 with the intent of allowing all voices to be heard. With a wildly diverse community from all sides of the political spectrum, USMessageBoard.com continues to build on that tradition. We welcome everyone despite political and/or religious beliefs, and we continue to encourage the right to free speech….
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Doesn’t it seem like we just got excited about the wonder of longer days and the taste of sweet summer corn? Now it’s time for the kids to go back to school. It’s a bittersweet time for most moms. We love our little ones to the moon and back, but once back-to-school time rolls around, we are about as ready as they are to get the school year …
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L’appel à acheter un livre québécois le 12 août dernier a été entendu par des milliers de personnes. Cette grande vague d’amour des mots écrits par des gens d’ici s’est matérialisée, de Facebook à l’explosion des ventes. Durant ce mercredi, les ventes d’ouvrages québécois ont doublé, voire triplé dans le cas de la litté…
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