My ex and I broke up during last Halloween and were together for about a year. I’m 25, he’s 22, so the age gap didn’t helpWhen I first met him, he swept me off of my feet…
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Photophore bougeoir d’Halloween avec petit fantôme et citrouilles en bois peintBougeoir photophore carré en bois peint avec quatre faces représentant un petit fantôme apeuré d’un côté et un fantôme caché derrière une citrouille d’un autre côté.Ce photophore bougeoir accueille une petite bougie de type bougie chauffe plat et se pose sur la table, ou sur un meuble.Adorable décoration pour halloween, elle est entièrement peinte sur tous ses côtés et vernie.… Lire la suite ›
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I used to post on here last year as my last GI told me I had Ulcerative Colitis. Short summary: Been dealing with stomach issues for about four years now. Last Halloween I got food poisoning, had to get a Colonoscopy, GI said I have Pancolitis. Fast forward months and months later, tons of medication, trying to find something that worked, Prednisone driving me up a wall, had to get a second opinion. Second GI looks over my report and says he doesn’t think I have UC, leaning more towards IBS. He weened me off ALL of my stomach medication and wanted to see if my symptoms cleared up. For about a month my symptoms felt like they were actually under control and I got on Fluoxetine to treat my anxiety and depression. While I was adjusting to the Fluoxetine I’d have diarrhea once in the morning, but every movement afterwards was normal. Fast forward a little more time, and I’m back to having a lot of diarrhea (4-6 times a day and watery), and the one big thing that was going on is that my now ex-fiance and I were fighting… a lot. We recently broke up and again, the symptoms just seem worse. I will also add that I was consuming much more alcohol than I normally do for the past two months and am pretty sure that I negated any of the positive effects that the Fluoxetine may have been having on me. I’m now on about two months of this and it’s quite frustrating. I don’t seem to really be losing weight, but I’m not gaining weight, either. As for the alternating C and D, I would go for a few months straight where I always felt bloated and that I had to strain, followed by brief remissions of what seemed like a normal stomach. I haven’t really been constipated for a few months now, though, and am wondering if I’m just back to the diarrhea stage. I really don’t see how this could be UC as I just don’t seem to experience a lot of the symptoms that people with UC complain about. I’ve never had blood, I don’t go 10+ times a day, I never have pain, and the only time I’ve lost a lot of weight was when I got food posioning. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Grandmasters nor supercomputers would ever play the Halloween Gambit. And neither should you, if you’re facing them. Or maybe it wouldn’t matter so much, as they will probably win regardless of your opening choice. But if you’re facing a <2000 opponent, the Halloween Gambit might prove an excellent choice. Why? It is considered unsound. …
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